Purpose: To get a feel for filmmaking's roots and a better understanding of the "cut".
Basis: When film first started people shot normal, daily stuff. It was novel and therefore interesting to watch people walk out of a factory. This was before the discovery of the "cut", so everything happened contiguously. At best, it was like watching a stage play.
Directions: Create a video no longer than 1 minute in length with little to no dialog, no camera motion, and no cuts. Example: Push record, do something in front of the camera for 23 seconds, stop recording. Feel free to add music or sound effects if you like. Try to make a compelling story in that short amount of time and space. Compelling, of course, is relative. Somebody flipping a coin ten times where it always lands on heads would be "compelling". Someone sitting by a door would not. However, if the there was a knock at the door and the guy fell out of his chair, that would be good. In short, something needs to happen. This assignment does not mean that you only get one shot at doing your scene. Shoot it as many times as you need to get it right so your short clip makes sense all by itself.
Post your video link in the comments section so everyone can see your work.
Looking Forward: Your next assignment will be to shoot "cut aways" for this very short piece and see how the addition of close ups and other angles helps your story telling (if at all). Do not shoot these bits now. Wait until this project is done.
What to Watch: "Exiting the Factory" Earliest film recorded. The subject: People leaving work at the end of the day. It just goes to show that new technology often starts out gimmicky.
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Even more Assignment 1 Samples and Student Examples
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Luke, I made my first film clip and tried to upload it. I did manage to upload it but not to the lesson site. After trying three times, can you help? Here it is:
Best regards, Lynne
Lynne, depending on the size of the video and how busy YouTube's servers are, it can take a long while. It took well over and hour and a half to upload a 30 minute video a few weeks ago and I've got fast internets [smile].
To post a video as a video response, open the video in YouTube, and then click the "Respond to this video" text box. That will pull up a link under the text box that says, "Create a video response or [Post]" click the "create a response" link and then select the video you want from your list.
Hope that helps!
Thanks, Luke. I didn't realize we had to open the video of YOU on that page FIRST and then go from there. I think I got it working now.
I learned several things from this assignment. I learned how to use the video on my telephone and my small digital camera. I also learned that the telephone video has far superior sound compared to my regular camera. I learned that when something is very close, it's not easy to keep the same camera angle as if I had chosen a subject further away.
I was afraid this course would be too hard for me, but this first assignment seemed just right in order to learn something, yet not be too intimidating! It made me look forward to continuing.
Best regards, Lynne
Absolutely! I'm sorry that isn't more clear in my post. You do not need a video camera for this course. A video camera on your phone will do just fine.
Will i receive any critic or suggestions from you on the 1st Assignment?
I will be happy to give you some feedback when I get a chance. Unfortunately, I'm working on a project for the next week, and likely won't have time to get back to you until next week. Sorry for the delay!
oh ok i understand, thanks for replying...
Lynne, first would like to thank you for putting this class together, excellent. Second, wanted to send my link for assignment 1. Hope to hear from someone. not sure if I did process and assignment correctly/right direction. Thank you for your time.
Here's my little effort.
Title: Cold War Between Crow and the Birds for the Garden Throne
Luke, please have your say
Hello luke,
Here is my completed assignment clip.
Hello Luke,
This is my clip for assignment 1. If I can get any feedback from you that would be great :)
Hi Luke,
Here is the link for my assignment 1 submission.
Thanks for the feedback,
Best regards,
Hey Luke, I use my dog for this assignment.
Hey Luke,I used my dog for this assignment. Check it out.
Here is my assignment #1.
Here is my assignment #1.
Here's my take on Assignment 1: One take wonder:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s817rDgaDIU Heres my try at assignment 1 :)
My Lesson 1 link
First Assignment
Hi Luke is this assignment still open. I recently subscribed so not sure if this still exysts as I see the year is 2006
First Assignment
Yep. This is still very much going [smile]. I'm really busy -- recently started my second website while still working full-time -- but I do get to this now and again!
Here is my first Assignment: http://youtu.be/1qE9Q2rguKw
here is my assignment 1 :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkSfXB6rZr4
Link to my First Assignment.
Assignment 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBgRmbFMatY
My first Assignment :D
Greetings Luke : I finished my first assignment. I am not sure if it would be perfect. This is the link to it :
Title : Worship
Hi! My name is George, I'm 18 year old wannabe-filmmaker from Russia who lives and studies in the Czech Republic. Here is my first assignment.
Hi! My name is Maya, 14 year old filmmaker here's my first assignment! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uutdzLGEwfE Feel free to comment suggestions on how I can make it better! Thanks!
Hey guys! My name is Luis and I am from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I look forward enjoying this course. Anyways, here's my first assignment. The song is by my friend, chosen at random. Thanks.
Here is my first project! Great course by the way!
project 1
Here is my first assignment.
Hey guys! So I did two different takes for this assignment. I did a first one and had so much fun doing it that I did a second one. I know they are not extremely good...But anyway Here's my first project:
and the bonus:
Here is my first one "The Milk Box"! Me and my siblings had a blast making it haha
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