Pelican won, hands down.
And they've got a great tagline/guarantee: You break it, we replace it... forever.
And, what was more, the case was a great price too.
So if you're ever looking for a good hard case to lug... whatever around, check them out.

My Pelican Case
Not surprisingly, I don't have many picture of my camera case "in action." I'll need to work on that next time we do a shoot.
~Luke Holzmann
Your Media Production Mentor
my dad is a firm believer in Pelican Cases... we have pelican cases of all sizes and shapes, used for suitcases (for work up remote rivers on boats) and for satellite phone cases... they are certainly amazing cases.
I've never put my case through those kinds of conditions, but it's nice to know that it's up to the challenge <smile>.
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