Broken Blog
I was copying some code from this blog to another, and, after hitting the save button so I could preview my changes, I realized I had just destroyed the header image code for this blog... and I didn't have a backup anywhere.

The Code I Toasted
To make matters worse, I couldn't remember the image URL... so I went to look it up on my server... and the internet tanked.
Leaving my blog a mess and me powerless to fix it.
Once the net came back I still had to wrestle with the code to figure out what I had broken and how to fix it. At this point, I think it's back where it was. Which is nice.
But today I learned a lesson, and put into practice, something I had heard before but never done: Keep a copy of your code on your computer just in case, in the off chance, somehow something happens to mess up your website and you need to fix it.
I now have a copy of the code.
~Luke Holzmann
Your Media Production Mentor
oh gosh, do you know HOW MANY times I've had to learn that lesson the hard way?!!
I now keep copies of the code to each of my websites on my computer, on a flash drive, and am very careful before I replace the copy online!
Danielle, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this <smile>.
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