Instead of working on media stuff this afternoon, my wife asked me to make her a tumbling composter. So, armed with a few tools, a 55-gallon barrel (which was $50, but the checkout girl was cute, so... you win some, you lose some), some parts we picked up at Lowes-Depot, and various parts I had laying around my garage (I had a 72" by 1 3/8" steel pole... who knew?), I threw together a pretty sweet composter.

Brittany by Her New Composter
I know you're thinking: 'How is Luke going to bring this back to media?' ...or, not. But here comes the connection...
Media production is mostly about using the tools you have to accomplish what you want. This means you need to get a "Do It Yourself" mentality (what the web people call DIY). I know it sounds scary to step off the cliff into the unknown, but that's what filmmaking--and any other media production--is.
But you don't have to do it alone. Always get help, second opinions, and other's input. I had three other people hovering around as we put the thing together. It wasn't just me, as much as I would like to take all the credit.
So, Tip 1: Do it yourself. Get your hands dirty. But, Tip2: Get help. Do it yourself, sure, but don't do it alone. That is a good balance to learn how to strike.
~Luke Holzmann
Your Media Production Mentor
Where did you get the barrel? I've been looking for one for a LONG time since we want to make a composter, also!
I got mine from but we were able to drive down at get it. Shipping costs $25, so buying it online doesn't make any sense.
So, look for a farm supply store... if you have anything like that near you. Hope that helps!
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